OTHER LINKS & RESOURCES LINCS Professional Development Discussion, June 2016 — This document, Inviting Your Thoughts on a Comprehensive PD System, is a summary of the discussion led by Dr. Mary Ann Corley on the Evidence-based Professional Development listserv of LINCS beginning June 13. It is also available to subscribers at the LINCS website (https://community.lincs.ed.gov/groups) under Evidence-based Professional Development, Inviting Your Thoughts on a Comprehensive PD System. Johan Uvin Introduces PD Strand at COABE 2016 Conference — Following up on an NCAL blog in August 2015 and a follow-up OCTAE blog co-authored by Gail Spangenberg, NCAL President, and Johan Uvin, Asst. Sec. of Career, Technical, and Adult Education. Mr. Uvin speaks by video to open the professional development strand of COABE’s 2016 annual conference, in which the NCAL/OCTAE challenge is taken on through a discussion panel moderated by PD expert Mary Ann Corley. Links to all three activities are presented in this document. Reach Higher, America, the full 77-page final report, Executive Summary, and related resources from the National Commission on Adult Literacy (2008), available from the Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy A Guide for the Powerless and Those Who Don't Know Their Own Power – by Samuel Halperin, founder of the American Youth Policy Forum. This is a nonpartisan primer on the American political process. It is for people at the state, local, and national levels who are interested in effective advocacy and policy development in adult education and literacy. Originally published in the 70s, Mr. Halperin's introduction to the 2001 update (69 pp.) notes that "powerlessness is an unacceptable condition in any facet of life or work. It is doubly intolerable for those who work in the human services and whose mission is to help empower others. At a time when society has more reliable knowledge than ever about what works to improve human lives, we must use that knowledge in dealing with our elected and appointed officials. Out of such effective advocacy will flow stronger programs and fruitful, lasting relationships with our legislators and other policymakers." Printed copies of the guide can be purchased from the American Youth Policy Forum (www.aypf.org).
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